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October Tournament King Crowned - 10/02/04

There were a few obvious targets coming in to the October tournament. As the reigning champ, Mike Bell was a good target, but LA! with her consecutive second place finishes was also on the list. When Dr. Bell was knocked out early, that left only LA! as the main target, but nobody seemed up to the task of taking her chips.

I took an early loss to Dan and it looked like I would be the first eliminated, but eventually I clawed my way back into the running. After the first three rounds, Mike Bell and Damon were eliminated, and the championship could have gone to anyone. Slowly, players began to fall and it came down to Dan and LA! who is no stranger to the final head-to-head position.

After Dan took a huge pot, it wasn't long before he finished LA! off and took the grand prize. Players are already talking about the next game, where LA! is an even greater target than before, but Dan has proclaimed that he will be the first two time championship winner. We shall see!