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No-Limit Action at Binion's Horseshoe! - 11/27/04

Everyone who plays poker knows that the poker captial of the world is Binion's Horseshoe in downtown Las Vegas. The World Series of Poker is held here every year and just about every semi-serious player wants to draw down a few hands at this famous casino. I decided it was about time to enter the no-limit Texas Hold 'em tournament and test my playing skills.

I managed to take a pretty quick chip lead and was able to grow my $1,500 into about $10,000 within the first three rounds. There were 160 players in the tournament, so I knew that it was going to take some time to eliminate most of the crowd. About four hours later, I still had a great chip lead with about 40 players left in the room.

I had played a pretty tight game until I bluffed a pot with ten/six unsuited. The flop came up another ten with rags and the action came down to just me and my neighbor. I could see that he was on a diamond flush draw and I put him all-in on the hand. He indeed was on a flush draw and I had the hand won with the pair of tens until fifth street. Yup, a diamond showed up and my stack was drained down to a few thousand dollars.

I tried to double up a few times, but finally was eliminated in position 35 of 160. Not bad in my mind, but I really wanted to make that final table and take the big prize!